Proud of my daughter with a mitzvah to share

A lesson learned from a 9 year old about doing unto others as you would like them to do unto you…

313) My daughter is attending a summer camp this year, one that she has gone to for several years now. It is an arts and drama camp and each week the kids try out for a play which is performed with full costume and stage production at the end of each week. Gabrielle has loved this camp and since last year when she was able to try out for parts has actively and eagerly participated. In the first play of the summer, she tried out and got a small part with 2 lines in the play. Several other girls her age got more substantial parts. One girl her age even got the lead in the play. I wasn’t sure how Gabrielle would handle the situation. She handled it without jealousy and embraced the girls (some of whom were friends and some who now she has befriended) and celebrated with them each night at the play. She also worked hard to perform her absolute best in her role. I was tremendously proud and impressed by her mature attitude. She taught me something about how to handle a situation and make the most out of it even when perhaps it wasn’t what you would have chosen.

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