Asking for help when you need it

I have spoken about this before, but we often think that making a difference in life means doing something grand like donating a million dollars or starting a non profit that does gigantic things. Truth is while those are wonderful and important endeavors,. the small daily actions we take to help another person also make a difference and these smaller actions are something we can do each and every day when the opportunities present themselves.

This weekend, we were the recipients of one such small act of kindness that felt enormous.  We had a jammed packed schedule filled with recitals and practices and final games for each of my children. Sunday afternoon my son was scheduled to have his final football game and there was a celebration at a local pizza place scheduled as a last team celebration.Unfortunately, the pizza gathering was scheduled just two days before and my husband and I were already committed to attend a work function at the same time. I called a friend I thought might be able to help us and she wasn’t available. At the last minute, I called the parents of my son’s good friend. I explained the situation and without hesitation the mom said she was happy to take him to the pizza place and would drop him off afterwards at our home where his sister could watch him until we came home. Really it probably wasn’t that big a deal for this family, they live close to us and were already taking their own son anyway, however, my son was beyond grateful when he realized that in the end he wouldn’t miss the pizza celebration.

Of course life is about give and take, sometimes you are the giver and sometimes you are the receiver. I don’t have a problem asking for help. I know that I help others when I am asked and available so I figure when I need something I should just ask too. However, I know there are folks who struggle to ask for something they need. They don’t want to burden anyone or are stoic and don’t feel that they should ask for help. Instead of being afraid to ask, reframe that thought and realize that when you ask for help you are allowing and inviting someone to have the opportunity to perform a mitzvah. By asking, you are allowing someone else an opportunity to do good. So don’t be afraid to ask.

Today, ask for help if you need it and smile as you ask, remembering tomorrow you can always return the favor in some way.

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